The Long-term Clinical Observation of Improved Snyder-Thompson Posterior Scleral Reinforcement Operation ( PSRO) in the Control of Progressive High Myopia 改良型Snyder-Thompson式后巩膜加固术治疗病理性近视远期临床观察
Objective To test the long-term evaluation of scleral reinforcement surgery for high progressive myopia. 目的评价后巩膜加固术治疗高度进行性近视疗效的效果。
Long-term observation of curative effects of posterior scleral reinforcement surgery in patients with juvenile progressive myopia 青少年进展性近视后巩膜加固术远期疗效观察
Conclusions Progressive addition lenses can be used to slow down myopia development effectively in teenagers. 结论渐进多焦镜能有效减缓青少年近视的发展。
Conclusion Posterior scleral reinforcement operation in the treatment of progressive myopia is safe and effective. 结论后巩膜加固术是控制病理性近视恶化的一种可行的方法,并且手术安全。
One case of a 10 year-old patient with progressive myopia was treated with post-scleral supporting operation. 本报告介绍了我科开展后巩膜增强术治疗一例10岁儿童患者病理性高度近视的病例。
Progressive addition lens and control of myopia Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall 渐进镜与近视的控制
Conclusion Compared with refractive keratoplasty, this operation is more suitable for progressive high myopia and super high myopia. 结论透明晶状体超声乳化联合人工晶状体植入术与角膜屈光手术相比较,更适合治疗高度进行性近视及超高度近视。
Conclusion Progressive multi-focal lens may slow down the progression rate of myopia in schoolchildren, but more work should be done to clarify its mechanism. 结论渐进多焦点眼镜对青少年近视度数的发展可能有一定的控制作用,但其控制近视的详细机理有待进一步证实。
Relation between the axial length and lenticular progressive myopia 眼轴长度与晶状体性进行性近视的关系
Objective To observe safety and therapeutic effects of posterior scleral reinforcement operation in the treatment of progressive myopia. 目的观察后巩膜加固术治疗病理性近视的安全性及可行性。
Objective: To investigate the status of progressive multifocal lens ( PML) wearing among myopic teenagers and comparing to wearing normal glasses, analysis its affect on ocular measures and the development of myopia. 目的:调查近视青少年渐进多焦点眼镜(progressivemultifocallens)配戴情况,分析与配戴单光镜相比,配戴渐进镜的近视青少年其近视进展及眼部参数变化情况。